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Why I Am Cycle Syncing

I used to find it confusing why feminine energy is associated with the moon - women are bright and creative in nature! But, like the moon, women live in phases because we are the creators of life. To be feminine is to be in phases, flow, and cycles.

When I found cycle syncing it made perfect sense to me. Cycle syncing is the practice of uniquely attending to your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs during the phases of your menstrual cycle. Regardless of whether a woman bleeds, most women's hormones fluctuate in phases. For me, cycle syncing is understanding the versions of self-care I need in each phase.

In 2014, I got the Nexplanon birth control implant. By 2019, I had been on birth control for so long that I forgot what my cycle truly felt like. My natural period symptoms were unfamiliar to me. While I love that birth control made me feel powerful and secure, I wanted to better understand my body.

After experiencing physical irritation from my second implant, I had my birth control removed in late 2019. I had read about cycle syncing some months before and it inspired me. I wanted to cycle sync so I could experience my natural phases - hormones, cramps, and all! Here's how it went...

1. Maiden Phase

In the beginning of a woman's cycle (right after the period subsides) is scientifically known as the follicular phase. During this time, I am very expressive and active. Let's call this my "maiden" phase! All I want to do is explore almost to the point of restlessness. During the maiden phase, self-care looks like learning and trying new things. Whether it's a trip, museum, or local shop I want to be surrounded by all things new.

2. Mother Phase

After about a week and a half, my first phase ends and I experience my "mother" phase. I assume that this is the time I begin ovulating, but honestly, I don't know. I know the mother phase has begun because I feel very indulgent. I also want to be around my friends, but be home in my bed. If you know this complicated feeling comment below. During my mother phase, FaceTime reigns supreme, and Seamless takes all of my money. I've noticed this phase makes me a better listener and I want to encourage others. My self-care at this time is all about comfort and community.

3. Siren Phase

So now we're at the luteal phase, or what I like to call my "siren" phase. During this time, I'm a woman about the town feeling super confident. This grabbing dinner with friends or going out on the hunt for pleasure of any kind. In the few moments I spend at home, it's all face masks, long hot showers, and beauty regimes. Also, I don't know if science would agree with me, but this is when I feel like I physically look my best. Skin glowing, hair shining, body banging, allat.

4. Sage Phase

When my period returns, I enter my "sage" phase. At this time, I like to return to myself and rest. My self-care looks like healing in solitude. During my sage phase, I nest and tend to eat a bit more than usual. Sometimes I crave not-so-healthy things and feel a bit irritable. My focus is relieving my pain so journaling and meditation is key at this time. I like a good playlist or audiobook and some tea in bed to pass the time.

After one cycle without birth control, I decided to return to it. This time, I chose an option that didn't change my natural cycle. At the top of 2020, I got a copper IUD. The insertion hurt like a motherf*er, I'm not going to lie, I've maintained clarity around my cycle without any additional hormones. My body feels more "normal" than ever and I feel more in touch.

1 Comment

It's Kyla Not Kayla
It's Kyla Not Kayla
Mar 28, 2023

Prev. Comment from Athena Minerva of

"I’ve been following Hormonology which is a series of emails and associated materials to help you better understand your cycle. I find it very useful as well as using a period tracker on my phone. It helps you remember that you experience certain things at certain times.

I remember the feeling that hormonal contraception gives you whether it was a pill or an implant. You stop feeling like you after a while."

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