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Who Are You Showing Up As?

🌟 Everyone has a signature style. Your signature style is the distinctive and recognizable way you expresses yourself with your personal image! Your signature style is what you’re known for.

The question is, are you intentional about your signature style? Let’s discover who you are showing up as! 👀

Hot Mess Express 🫠

Does any of this feel familiar to you?

  • Your signature style is straight-up frazzled.

  • Your inner dialogue about your personal image is generally negative.

  • You struggle with nice girl syndrome and find yourself living on the sidelines.

💡 Wouldn't you rather show up to be perceived as important, instead of lazy, unaware, or immature.

Type A+ Perfectionist 🤯

Does any of this feel familiar to you?

  • Your signature style is boring.

  • You’re living the same day again and again.

  • You are burning yourself out by overthinking, overdoing, or overanalyzing it.

💡 Wouldn't you rather stop focusing on collecting gold stars and connect to what makes you tick.

We’ve covered two of three little misses ✨ They may seem like complete opposites (in some ways they are) but they’re both desiring to evolve into someone: Little Miss Dream Girl 🦋

The Dream Girl

The Dream Girl is fully engaged with her life and her style shows it 💖 She shines her gifts and authenticity because she's empowered from the inside. She knows who she is and she's comfortable with that ✨

People notice it about her from her walk and confidence. It’s how she get dresses, styles her hair, and presents herself to the world.

🕵🏾‍♀️ Are you in search of your Dream Girl? I know you are because you're here.

Looking and feeling amazing is your birthright! Let me help you on your journey to get to your Dream Girl through self-study and being authentic to yourself. In my digital course, Fix Your Closet, you’ll unpack what your personal image projects and who you want to be 🌟 Enroll today!


📺 Watch the Fix Your Closet video lesson excerpt for more:


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