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Quitting My Six-Figure Job

So I quit my job in June of 2022. A great-on-paper tech start-up job in the heart of Soho, NYC with WFH allowance and stipends galore making a shiny and comfy income of $116,000. Yes, you read that right I quit that job. My life coach, Yahya Smith, said it perfectly on one of our calls, "It's possible to be wildly successful at something you're not supposed to be doing." I never felt more seen 🤯 I chose to leave because it was never me. I never desired the work I was doing. I simply selected from the menu handed to me instead of intentionally going after my life; and while I was tangibly comfortable, my spirit was starving. That's when I knew I needed an escape plan ✌🏾 I made changes to my lifestyle, saved more, paid off debt, and left professionally. During my employed days, I would spend the bits of my time I didn't pimp out for a paycheck building my dream and letting my passion out to play. I thought this SHOULD be enough for me, but eventually, the calling of my spirit got really tired of being confined to a "side hustle" because I am not a hustler, nor am I a Popeye's biscuit 🍗 Anywho! If you're interested in how my funemployment is going so far check out my video 👇🏾

P.S. My parents were surprisingly chill when I gave them the news three months in 😅


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