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Lose that Un-Pretty Feeling

 It's not uncommon for a woman to feel un-pretty about the way she dresses, how makeup sits on her face, or her natural looks altogether. I'm sure you can recall the last time you felt genuinely un-pretty. Maybe it was your teenage years, maybe it's right now.

Many women aren't in love with their faces and bodies. They may love what they do, their minds, or their accomplishments, but not their being. While what you do during your time on Earth is a big part of who you are, the vessel you're granted to do those things in is important as well.

Getting prepared for the day is about adorning your vessel with beautiful colors and shapes that complement your essence. Let's unpack how you can get acquainted with your essence and kiss the feeling of un-pretty goodbye. To start, we have to identify the potential roots of your problem...

1. You are not honoring your God-given essence.

This is the equivalent of trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Discovering your personal essence requires you to spend some time alone. You'll know what experiences bring you genuine pleasure and do some shadow work to define who you are. Identify what you're drawn to and what makes you feel confident and comfortable. This will allow you to beautify yourself in an authentic way that expresses your personality.

2. You aren't honoring the structure of your body and face.

It's essential to prioritize your structure to feel comfortable and confident. Wearing clothes that fit properly and flatter your body shape can make a significant difference in how you feel about your style. Knowing your undertone helps you find the perfect makeup and hair routines for your everyday life. When you know your structure intimately, making style and beauty decisions are easy.

Wearing the right pair of earrings, jeans, or lipstick can really change the way you see yourself and how you experience the world. You'll learn how to dress for your essence, structure, and desires in the live Discover Your Personal Style course on April 2023. Enroll in the course today.

3. You are not dressing for the lifestyle you desire.

While we do need our looks to function for day-to-day living, our clothes, hair, and makeup are not simply for function only. If you are not romanticizing yourself, it may be challenging to feel confident in your body. It's important to dress for yourself and not to try to fit into a particular mold.


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